Keywords: financial monitoring, subjects of financial monitoring, risk, money laundering, terrorist financing, risk-oriented approach


The article analyzes and substantiates the concept of the risk-oriented approach of financial monitoring as a guarantor of stable safe financial and economic development of the country, which consists of systematic monitoring of risks and threats using the appropriate mechanism. Financial monitoring, as a tool for control and prevention of negative economic and legal phenomena, is based on the assessment of risks caused by the uncertainty of the external and internal environment (risk situation). The numerical indicator of the level of uncertainty is the objective probability of occurrence of a certain event. Factors of uncertainty are: low information culture; lack of objective data on the state of the external and internal environment; suddenness of occurrence of a certain event; counteraction to the current system. Quantitative assessment of risk (as opposed to uncertainty) is the probability of occurrence of a particular event. There is a direct relationship between risk and uncertainty: as the level of uncertainty increases, the level of risk increases in direct proportion. The relevance of the categories "monitoring" and "risk-oriented approach to financial monitoring" in the area of definition "Risk monitoring" is defined as a dynamic, logical and consistent economic and legal process of identification, analysis on tracing of already identified threats and identified threats the level of their danger; auditing and performing risk response operations and measures of their effectiveness. Platforms of risk-oriented approach to risk management of criminal proceeds and terrorist financing are outlined, in particular: low level of cross-cultural management, manifestations of corruption, expanding economic crime, shadow economy, terrorist funding, high level of cash. The priority directions of the risk-oriented approach are defined: transit operations, illegal outflow (withdrawal of capital); money laundering; terrorist financing. It is proposed to supplement Art. 7 "Application of the risk-oriented approach" of the Law of Ukraine "On prevention and counteraction to the legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime, terrorist financing and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction" in as a coordinated manner of carrying out their risk assessment, with emphasis. Thus, there will also be a need to harmonize the rules of international law on financial monitoring.


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How to Cite
Vovchak, O., & Stadniychuk, R. (2020). FINANCIAL MONITORING OF RISKS AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR FINANCIAL RECOVERY OF BANKS. Economic Scope, (157), 74-77.