Keywords: poverty, poverty level, income, living wage, correlation-regression analysis


This article presents the results of a study of the problem of poverty in Ukraine. It is revealed that at the present stage of development of the international economy the strategic goal is the proclamation of sustainable development. Therefore, it can be argued that one of the most important issues for Ukraine is the problem of poverty, namely the study of the causes, assessment of living conditions, the study of factors influencing the income of the population and the level of poverty. In the course of the research it was found that most socio-economic indicators are formed under the influence of not one but many factors, so a model of multifactor correlation-regression analysis was built. For the correlation-regression analysis, a dependent feature was chosen – household income of Ukraine. The following independent factors were also selected: poverty rate; population; subsistence level. Correlation-regression analysis provided a powerful tool for studying the impact of poverty, population and subsistence level on household income. It is established that the main purpose of using this method – to thoroughly assess the current state of economic life of households, respectively, the purpose of the study – to learn to establish the degree of influence of factors – was achieved. As a result of the research, directions for solving the problem of poverty in Ukraine by reforming almost all spheres of human activity were developed. It was found that the best solution to poverty is a combination of active social policies aimed at restoring and increasing employment and creating conditions for decent work, with the effective support of the most vulnerable. The following measures to overcome the problems of poverty in Ukraine are highlighted: stabilization of Ukraine’s economy, which leads to a gradual abandonment of external borrowing; attracting foreign investment, small and medium business development; financial support of the scientific sphere of Ukraine and introduction of innovations and export activity of enterprises; creating affordable credit conditions for individuals and businesses; financial support of domestic agriculture; development of regional policy in the country.


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How to Cite
FatіukhaN., & Zdorova, K. (2020). THE PROBLEM OF POVERTY IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (157), 69-73.