Keywords: economic security, region, strategy, regional management, target programs


The article considers the evolution of views on the essence of the process of ensuring economic security. Issues of economic security are extremely important today. At the same time, today the political and military components of the status of our state are based on an insufficiently reliable economic basis. That is why Ukraine needs an effective organizational and economic mechanism to ensure economic security at the national and regional levels. The strategy of economic security of the region should include: characterization of external and internal threats to economic security as a set of conditions and factors that create security for the vital economic interests of the individual, enterprise, region; determination of criteria and parameters of the state of the economy that meet the requirements of economic security and ensure the vital economic interests of the region; mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the region, protection of its vital interests through the use of all institutions of state power of legal, economic and administrative measures Potential threats to economic security and sovereignty of Ukraine indicate the need for state intervention, the legitimacy of which is based on three provisions: forms of state regulation is impossible, as ignoring the economic functions of the authorities encounters obstacles associated with ensuring the functioning of the laws of the market; market mechanisms themselves cannot prevent and correct the emergence of economic disparities and economic crisis without appropriate state measures; expanding the arsenal of economic protection enables businesses to conquer new markets, maintain their market shares and protect their scientific, technical and commercial potential. The threat to the economic security of the regions today is posed by recommendations on the inexpediency of state regulation of macroeconomic processes, even with the help of market levers; privatization in the absence of appropriate conditions; unregulated liberalization of foreign economic activity and as a consequence of the penetration of cheap low-quality products and the destruction of national production; shadowing of the economy. More rational and scientifically sound economic regional relative independence will lead to positive changes in the national economy.


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How to Cite
Harkava, V. (2020). EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC VIEWS ON THE ESSENCE OF THE PROCESS OF ENSURING ECONOMIC SECURITY. Economic Scope, (157), 22-26. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/157-4