• Halyna Appelt Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Keywords: tourism, innovation, virtual tourism, marketing, internet, communication, demand, online tourism, agritourism, alcohol tourism, atomic tourism, gastronomic tourism, spiritual tourism, space tourism, travel of non-traditional sexual minorities, cash freе, childfree, couchsurfing, edutainment, geocaching, microcations, neotribes, sabbatical, slow travel, undertourism, vegan travel


Over the last twenty years, tourism has played an increasingly prominent role in the world economy. However, the beginning of 2020 was marked not only by the decline of the international tourist movement due to the emergence of a new virus and the introduction of quarantine restrictions. However, it should be noted the emerging changes in the tourism market: the emergence of new trends in international tourism, which developed dynamically in 2019, continue to develop after the resumption of tourist flows. It is worth noting that with the growing demand of tourists for the service, the tourist product itself is becoming more sophisticated, increasing its complexity and capital intensity. Also in the last ten years, the tourism industry has faced an acute problem of preservation and development of both recreational resources and tourist resources in general. All this led to the emergence and development of such tourism as online tourism (with the development of scientific and technological progress, urbanization, technocratization of human life, tourism with the use of computer technology and minimization of personal contact are becoming more attractive). In the article the author considers innovative types of tourism, such as agritourism, alcohol tourism, atomic tourism, gastronomic tourism, spiritual tourism, space tourism, travel of non-traditional sexual minorities, cash freе, childfree, couchsurfing, edutainment, geocaching, microcations, neotribes, sabbatical, slow travel, undertourism, vegan travel as non-traditional leisure options. The role of virtual tourism as a component of online tourism was described through a detailed description of the tourist elements of the virtual tourism platform in the world and its value to modern society (creation of a complex of virtual tours, which can be conditionally divided into virtual excursions to iconic historical and cultural sites; virtual excursions to museums dedicated to science and virtual excursions to art museums by using various technologies to minimize the risk of the spread of the virus and maintain consumer demand). Also, the author proposes the process of using modern world tourism trends indicated in the article as a tool to support consumer`s demand for travel services.


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How to Cite
Appelt, H. (2020). TYPES OF TOURISM IN THE CONTEXT OF CURRENT TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY. Economic Scope, (157), 7-12. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/157-1