Keywords: public services, object of concession, concessionaire, concession, accounting


The article deals with the procedure of displaying the concession object in the balance sheet of the concessionaire enterprise. This approach is consistent with the current Law of Ukraine on concessions and current domestic accounting law. The purpose of this article is to investigate the problem of information supply of the implementation of public services on the basis of concession. Due to the lack of any methodological recommendations for accounting of public services operations on the basis of concession of state and communal property, the directions of application of each element of the method of accounting were determined, namely: inventory, documentation, estimation, calculation, invoices, double entry, balance and reporting. In the course of the research it was determined that one of the directions of improving the documentation as an element of the method of accounting for transactions under concession contracts should be two internal primary documents, namely: a form of costing public services, which should include specific components of costs, namely: first, depreciation of non-current assets received in concession in part of the cost of capital expenditures for modernization; secondly, the concession payments required to be paid by the concessionaire companies in accordance with the terms of the concession agreement. Analytical accounting of the cost of providing public services should take into account all the properties of the object under study and ensure a complete and accurate reflection of the cost of providing these services. The costing process for the public services provided will be effective and complete, provided that the analytical accounting allows for the full and direct accounting of all direct and indirect costs, fixed and variable costs, and distribution and retained costs. In the course of the research, organizational and methodological provisions of accounting of the public service, which is carried out on the basis of the terms of the concession agreement, were developed. All variants of presentation of the concession objects were taken into account, namely in the structure of the concessionaire’s non-current assets and in the intangible assets and financial assets, as stipulated by the international financial reporting standards.


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