Keywords: resource, region, potential, raw material, economy


In the article was considered the current trends in the provision of regions with separate resources. Resource problem first of all is related to limited supply of resources and development of degradation processes the natural resource base. The economies of many developed countries of the world are based now on imports of raw materials and energy. Therefore, addressing the economic issue of access to resources is passed to strategic plane now. This became the reason that existing models of resource use were intensified, which contributed to the growth of the goods production, but at the cost of law resource efficiency. Thus, the task of effectively using resources consist in to ensure that they are used sustainably, taking into account the factor of constraints and environmental impact. These are mainly natural resources. The last act as part of both economic and environmental systems. This is why are quite often created risks in the sphere of resource use, related to the nature of the use resources and the restorative capacity of the natural system. In our opinion, the resource potential of the region is determined primarily by the qualitative and quantitative composition of the resources. Totality of resources that is on the balance of the region and is included in economic processes or may be included in order to achieve specific economic development goals is this potential. Resources have endogenous and exogenous provenance. The region acts as a source of resource accumulation or acts as an investment entity where resources are transferred from other regions. In this case, resources serve as a means of achieving specific goals. Considering the structure of resources of the region, we have allocated in the composition of material resources such natural resources as: fuel-mineral, land, water, air, biological and energy, which have natural provenance. We have assigned financial resources, technical resources and industrial products such as components, spare parts, etc. to the region’s artificial material resources.


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How to Cite
Dziubynska , O. (2020). RESOURCES POTENTIAL OF THE REGION AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS. Economic Scope, (155), 36-39.