• Pavlo Matvieiev “Zeminform” LLC
Keywords: competition, resource potential, mechanism, agricultural enterprise, productivity, economic efficiency, aggregate factor productivity


One of the reasons for the increase in the competition level in the agrarian sphere between the participants of agro-industrial relations is the scarcity and limitation of resources. This made it necessary to determine the productivity of resource utilization. The purpose of the work is to summarize conceptual approaches to building mechanisms for reproducing the resource potential of agricultural sector enterprises. The relation between the concepts of managerial efficiency and economic efficiency is established on the basis of the scientific literature analysis. The origin and essence of these concepts are considered in terms of mercantilism, Keynesian theory. The theory of economic growth of R. Solow is characterized and its role in the question of resource potential formation is defined. The concept of competitiveness in the context of agrarian sector is defined. The main reasons that hinder the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex are outlined, as well as the necessity to create favorable conditions for the development of agribusiness is substantiated. Based on the analysis of statistical information, it is established that the low level of competitive development of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine is caused, first of all, by the lack of efficiency of the used information technologies and resource potential. The emergence of such a situation is explained by the difficulties in achieving and maintaining optimal proportions in macroeconomic regulation due to the influence of market and state mechanisms for the possibility of realizing the interests of the subjects of agro-industrial relations. The productivity of using the resource potential is a criterion for the efficiency of the agrarian economy, but its role in the development of domestic agro-industrial policy is still insufficiently understood. The imbalance of different groups of factors of social transformation has led to the accumulation of problematic issues in the agricultural sector, which significantly limit the development of the resource potential of agricultural enterprises. It is established that there is an inverse relationship between the productivity level of use of the resource potential and the employment level in the sphere of the agro-industrial complex. The international methodology for measuring the use of resource potential used in international practice cannot be fully implemented in domestic realities, since the indicators used in it do not sufficiently reflect the real state of affairs. In this regard, a model for measuring aggregate factor utilization of resource potential is proposed.


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