Keywords: business plan, planning, business planning development, car dealership with mileage, business directions


The article deals with the peculiarities of developing business planning for the creation of a new motor show of cars with mileage in Ukraine. It is proved that in Ukrainian practice there is no single approach to the development of business planning, the choice of structure and method of drawing up a business plan depends on the goals and objectives for which it is created. The main priority directions of creating a business plan have been formed. The analysis of the feasibility of forming business plan items when opening a new motor show of cars with mileage is carried out. The expediency of developing a business plan and the need for careful selection of aspects and factors of influence in planning and creation of a new motor show of cars with mileage in Ukraine are substantiated. It is concluded that it is important to establish optimal channels of interaction with partners during the planning and development of corporate car sales with mileage. Thus, when the idea of creating a new enterprise or area of activity of the organization arises, for a more purposeful calculation of economic benefits use a business plan by creating a structural step-by-step plan for its implementation. Thus, as a result of the study, the features of approaches to business planning were considered. This gave reason to believe that there is no single method of creating a business plan, so when considering the feasibility of opening a car dealership in Ukraine, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the main sections: marketing plan, production plan, and financial plan. Also, in our opinion, during the planning and development of corporate sales of cars with mileage, it is important to establish optimal channels of interaction with partners, namely: to create long-term relationships with Internet sites and other partners, to constantly expand the sales network; study the demand and offer to the market cars that best meet customer demands; quickly process orders and requests; plan purchases so that cars are not delayed in the warehouse for more than 30 days. In addition, it will be necessary to implement technological solutions that will ensure the creation of a single information space within the organization, automation of processes and analysis of the received information. Based on this information, it is easier for managers to forecast demand, formulate procurement plans from different suppliers and organize logistics supply schemes so as to reduce storage, transportation and brokerage costs.


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How to Cite
Kutsai, N., Dubytskyi, O., & Onyshchuk , V. (2020). FEATURES OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLANNING FOR THE CREATION OF A NEW MOTOR CAR SALES ROOM IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (155), 25-29. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/155-5