Keywords: depreciation, capital investment, accounting policy, fixed assets, taxation, accounting organization


The synchronization of economic transformations with the pace of scientific and technological progress requires enterprises to take new approaches to the formation of resources for capital investment. Accounting policies play a key role in this process at all levels of its creation. Businesses are constantly on the lookout for a balance between the amount of capital investment and the amount of depreciation that is made on the fixed assets used in the production process today. Depreciation policy of the enterprise to some extent reflects the depreciation policy of the state, because it is based on the principles, methods and standards of depreciation set by it. The depreciation policy of an enterprise is considered as an integral part of the general policy of management of capital investments and operating non-current assets. Its essence lies in the individualization of the level of intensity of their updating in accordance with the specifics of their operation in the course of operational activities. However, in our country, little attention has been paid to the place and role of accounting policies in the formation of a resource for capital investment in updating fixed assets. Typically, the authors consider separately the issues of accounting and valuation of capital investments, the formation of methods of accounting for fixed assets and depreciation, as a lever to determine the correct size of profits of the enterprise. It is the combination of these processes and the emphasis on the investment component of the depreciation policy that this study is devoted to. The article analyzes the world tendencies of the organization of the accounting of capital investments and confirms the effectiveness of reformatting the depreciation policy from the retrospective direction (adjusting the financial result in accordance with the actual incurred for the acquisition of fixed assets) to the promising direction (formation of investment resources based on the value of capital investments and the value of investment in the capital investment . Objective integrated processes of physical and moral deterioration predetermine the existence of two directions in the process of capital investment: simple updating of the existing fleet of machines and equipment and introduction of innovative technologies. The decisive feature of an effective depreciation policy is the dynamics of the receipt and accumulation of depreciation resource, which will allow to generate volumes of funds that will be sufficient both for complete simple reproduction of the elements of capital and for creating a "kernel of start-up capital" in order to ensure production modernization. Such coordination of structuring and detailing cash flows should be defined as the reproductive balance of fixed capital.


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How to Cite
Trachova, D., Sakhno, L., & Demchuk, O. (2020). IMPACT OF THE DEPRECIATION AND TAX POLICY ON CAPITAL INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTING. Economic Scope, (154), 240-243.