Keywords: financial market, infrastructure, digital economy, digital data, technology


The article is considered with peculiarities of financial market, development of digital economy and infrastructure. Possible trends in the functioning of the financial market under the conditions of digitization of the economy are shown. The conditions for the development of digital technologies in the financial market are outlined, the importance of digital technologies in ensuring the growth of financial market indicators and the important components of their rational use are highlighted. The purpose of the provision. Research the developed version and develop a different market and propose to develop in the production of digital technologies. The article helps to understand where Ukraine needs to move in the field of digitalization. The study used such methods as systematicity, induction, comparison, analysis and statistics. At the present stage of the global economy, more and more attention is being paid to digital technology and e-business. Investment flows are channeled here, and the human and financial resources of the world are accumulated here, so research and development of this field is an important fact. It is argued that the digital economy is changing the way financial markets operate, as well as the information technology requirements used in financial transactions. We have identified the state's top priorities for ensuring the successful implementation of digital assets in the middle of Ukraine's financial market. The fulfillment of the tasks set by the state is of great importance in the implementation of digitalization tools in the financial market. Conclusions were made regarding the further development and realization of the set goals. The trend in the positive direction of the functioning of the financial market in the Ukrainian economy is possible if a wide range of activities and tasks are undertaken, among which the testing of technologies and platforms by financial institutions is more important. The digital economy is compulsory, the new rules are specially protected, and the opportunities that may arise in connection with market entry. Control over the compilation of digital technology platforms to ensure that strategic memorization of anticompetitive behavior is not justified under conditions of complete compromise and possible misuse of data.


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How to Cite
Kozii, N., & Synytsia, O. (2020). INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE FINANCIAL MARKET OF UKRAINE IN DIGITAL ECONOMICS. Economic Scope, (154), 156-160.