• Olena Sova National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Viktor Lukashenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: management, human resources, personnel policy, project management, working group, team, synergy, professionalism, project team


The management team is a unique resource that is necessary for the dynamic existence and successful organization’s development in the conditions of growing competition. In this regard, one of the priority functions of management is defined as forming a team and improving its effectiveness. The authors of the article emphasize, that in the complex modern economic structures the role of professionals, who carry out the management process, is constantly increasing. The effectiveness and prospects of the development of the company depend on their qualifications, business activity and ability to interact with each other and achieve socially significant results. Establishing a successful team is a complex process, and it reveals a number of social and psychological problems, that depend on certain factors: the degree of compatibility and cohesion of team members, the level of interdependence of team members, their functional diversity, scale of transformation, etc. The process of functioning of the project team is described, which is carried out in several successive stages: orientation, conflict, becoming, cooperation, completion. A group becomes a team, when there is a synergistic effect: the team has properties that cannot be obtained by simply adding the properties of its members ‒ the performance is higher than the sum of the individual productivity of individual members. Methods of forming project teams were structured, among which the authors indicated targeted, interpersonal, role-playing, problem-oriented. A number of team properties, that make it more effective than other forms of permanent teams, are distinguished. The effectiveness of the project team is measured, first of all, by the formation of its members certain professional skills, as well as personal qualities. The process of improving team performance combines the following stages: formation of a favorable social and psychological climate, exclusion of the phenomenon of group thinking, improving the personal effectiveness of the team members, optimal influence of the leader on the team, increasing the efficiency of team members.


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How to Cite
Sova, O., & Lukashenko, V. (2020). MANAGEMENT ASPECTS OF FORMING A PROJECT TEAM. Economic Scope, (154), 120-124.