Keywords: financial potential, hotel industry, financial stability, financial resources, T. Saati hierarchy method of analysis, Dupont model, economic growth estimation


Financial potential is an important indicator of internal environment reaction on management decisions, which increase is witnessing about effectiveness of financial policy of economic entity, its financial stability and competitiveness in general. Inappropriate use of funds and available opportunities lead to inefficient management and unprofitability of hotel industry enterprises. Thus, share of operational expenses from income for all hotels and similar accommodation facilities in 2018 year made 86,8%. For efficiency improvement of approved management decisions, and also for achievement of financial stability of the enterprise, author suggests a scientific and methodological approach to evaluation of financial potential of hotel industry enterprise by combining a number of methods: method of hierarchies analysis by T. Saati (МАІ) for evaluation of financial state of hotel industry enterprise, financial analysis and evaluation of economic growth of the enterprise with application of multifactorial model DuPont; author has constructed a structural and logical model for evaluation of financial potential of hotel industry company. Application of constructed hierarchical structure allows to receive the value of global priorities for alternatives and evaluate their reliability. The obtained ranking results allowed to place the hotel industry enterprises in descending order according to their financial stability level, to highlight leaders and outsiders. The system of indicators of financial analysis of the economic growth of the enterprise is offered, the feature of which is based on the three-factor DuPont model and detailing of factors by significant indicators, which makes it possible to determine the rate of economic development of the enterprise, and is an informational basis for attractiveness of investments in development. Due to the system of financial analysis and application of multifactorial DuPont model, author has performed the evaluation of economic growth of the enterprise and defined the effectiveness of financial and productive activity of hotel industry enterprises. The set of recommended indicators implements a new approach to justification of financial balance scenarios for hotel industry enterprises that can be applied as analytical basis when choosing its financial strategy.


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How to Cite
Zavidna, L. (2020). EVALUATION OF FINANCIAL POTENTIAL OF HOTEL INDUSTRY ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (154), 109-114. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/154-20