Keywords: branding, eco-branding, consumer behavior, trademark, trend, franchising, private label


The article analyzes the development of branding in Ukraine. The main trends have been clarified: spread of branding, increasing not only in the B2C sector, but also in the B2B sector. Evidence of such activation is the increase in the number of brands under which Ukrainian manufacturers and retailers offer their products. If, at the initial stages, brand was used mainly to promote consumer goods, today it significantly expands the field of activity. Recently, domestic brands were practically absent on the light industry market, however, the situation changed after 2014. The experience of global companies shows that in the modern environment there is a competition of brands, not products, for a place in the minds of consumers. It has been determined that although the pace of distribution of private labels in Ukraine is lower today than in European countries, their dynamic development is observed. Using Western technologies and attracting qualified specialists, Ukrainian retailers demonstrate steadily growing sales under a private label. It is noted that the number of registered national trademarks is growing markedly. Eco-branding, which includes visual images, production technologies and relevant promotions, is becoming increasingly widespread. The environmental nature of the product is becoming relevant for manufacturers of goods in Ukraine. Ecology is reflected in logos, colors and advertising messages. Young Ukrainian brands use Western brand formation models similarly to European companies. The specified model is based on the concept of product differentiation, respectively, functional or emotional features are provided for the product. According to the Western model, a corporate brand is assigned a secondary role in image formation, and independent brands owned by the company come to the fore. In relation to consumer goods, especially food, European companies, for the most part, as well as Ukrainian, use the Western approach. The article states that one of the main methods of brand promotion is franchising, and now it is developing dynamically in Ukraine. Mostly, franchising in Ukraine is developed in the field of retail, services and public catering.


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How to Cite
Bratko, O., Blazhey, I., & Pelyak, H. (2020). MODERN TRENDS OF UKRAINIAN BRANDING. Economic Scope, (154), 79-83.