Keywords: organic production, labeling, certification, quality, logo, regulations


In the conditions of decrease of ecological quality of products of plant and animal production there is an interest of consumers to environmentally friendly and safe products. The article highlights the concept and importance of organic production and the relevance of its development in modern conditions. The organic farming industry is actively developing in Ukraine and in the world and is quite promising. According to the law, organic production is the production of natural (ecological) products with conservation and restoration of natural resources. It is known that there are approximately 400 organic farmers in Ukraine today. Overall, Ukraine ranks the 20th place in the world and the 11th place in Europe by the area of agricultural land under organic production. Together with the production of organic products, the question of its identification or labeling was raised. According to state law, the logo of organic products is defined. A compulsory element of organic labeling is a code number placed under the national organic logo. It is important to adhere to both the organic production technology and its promotion to the organic market. There must be an appropriate labeling that distinguishes the organic product from the ordinary. The main innovations in the regulations governing the production, circulation and labelling of organic products are considered. In recent years, there has been a tendency to actively fill the domestic market with its own organic products by establishing its own processing of organic raw materials. Several organic producers in Ukraine are listed. The activities of these representatives are described. Creation of the Unified Register of Organic Producers will give an opportunity to find out the presence of new companies or the activities of already existing companies. Organic producers need to go through a certification process. About 18 accredited certification bodies operate in Ukraine for this certification procedure. The only Ukrainian certification company is LLC «Organic», which actually deals with this certification. In addition, an important task is the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation on organic production with world certification systems.


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How to Cite
Bulyk, O. (2020). FEATURES OF THE ORGANIC PRODUCTS LABELING IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (154), 36-40. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/154-6