Keywords: capitalization, capital, endogenous growth theory, theoretical model, empirical research


The article presents the reasons for the need for an expanded interpretation of the concept of capitalization. The directions of development of the theory of capitalization in the scientific sphere of Ukraine are indicated, among which: the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of capitalization of enterprises; capitalization of certain types of capital; analysis of the problems of capitalization of banks and the banking system; stock market capitalization estimates; the role of capitalization in the development of business entities; a systematic approach to the study of capitalization. The author’s definition of the concept of capitalization of the economy is presented. To reveal the content and directions of development of capitalization of the economy, the article describes various directions in the theory of capital, which in the process of evolution expanded the interpretation of the essence of capital and the possibility of its transformation. The author emphasizes the importance of metamorphoses within the framework of its attractiveness for determining the role of capitalization as a source of growth, as well as a result of innovation, investment and as an integral part of the mechanism of economic development. The study focuses on the significant contribution of endogenous growth models, the development of which opened up new forms of capital and contributed to the formation of a modern concept of total capital. The reasons and main directions of development of the theory of endogenous growth are given. The main theoretical works that became the basis for the development of the theory of endogenous growth are named. One of the modern classifications of a set of theoretical models of endogenous growth is presented. To develop the concept of capitalization of the economy, the importance of the interconnections of the system “theory – empirics – practice”, the importance of empirical research and the development of modern quantitative methods to confirm the correctness of theoretical concepts and their implementation are shown.


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