Keywords: investments, foreign direct investment, investment climate, tax policy


The article substantiates that the possibilities of attracting investments to the country depend on the investment climate. The level of use of tax leverage to shape the investment climate of Ukraine is studied. The results of a study by rating companies regarding the quantitative and qualitative aspects of tax payment in countries, and the place of Ukraine in them are analyzed. The main tax factors that inhibit the growth of investment attractiveness, especially for a foreign investor, are highlighted. Attracted investments in fixed assets by sources of financing in Ukraine are analyzed. The main source of financing investments is still the own funds of enterprises and organizations, due to which, on average, over 2014–2018 and 70% of investments were disbursed. The share of bank loans and other loans in the total investment amounted to 7.9%, which indicates a lack of trust in the domestic banking system. Financing of investment activities at the expense of foreign investors was significantly reduced (from 3.0% in 2015 to 0.3% in 2018). In the context of stimulating investment activity, the tendencies of changes in corporate income tax, as well as internal and external investments, are investigated. The direct relationship between the growth rate of income tax and the growth rate of capital investments is determined. Foreign direct investment should be one of the main indicators of increasing the level of economic development of Ukraine. Therefore, the relevance of attracting FDI into the country’s economy from the countries of the world is justified. It has been established that the main part of the revenue comes from the Netherlands – 33.2%, the Russian Federation – 17.3% and Cyprus – 16.6%. These are offshore investments (Ukrainian capitals previously withdrawn from the country) that displace the capital of developed countries from the Ukrainian economy and provide only quantitative indicators of the growth of FDI inflows to Ukraine, and not qualitative ones. The prospects for improving the tax system in the context of improving the investment environment are determined. The proposals are formulated for further reform of the tax system in the direction of its simplification and adaptation to EU standards, which will significantly improve the country’s investment climate.


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How to Cite
Savitska, S. (2020). INFLUENCE OF TAX POLICY ON INVESTMENT PROCESSES IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (153), 118-122.