• Dariia Smolych Lutsk National Technical University
  • Irina Timoshuk Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: resources, resource potential, enterprise, resource management, components of resource potential, resource approach


The article explores the theoretical aspects of an enterprise’s resource potential and its importance. Taking into account the view of a number of economists, two approaches to interpreting the concept under study are distinguished, namely resource and result. The article investigates the dependence of components of the industrial enterprise resource potential on the conditions of turbulent external environment and accordingly substantiates the aspect of changing and supplementing the elements of the resource potential with changing factors and conditions of the macro-environment of the organization. Based on the consideration of the resource potential as a variable category, the definition of the concept under study is given. In the course of the research the main components of the enterprise resource potential in modern economic conditions were singled out, their essential characteristics were considered, as well as the basic directions of management by the corresponding components were outlined. The article also presents a model of resource potential management that provides quality management of all types of enterprise resources, the ability to effectively mobilize these resources at the right time and to remain a competitive business entity. In addition, the article deals with the management of resource potential through the prism of general management functions: planning the need for resources, the organization of resource provision of the enterprise, motivation and control. The study found that inefficient management and use of resources leads to a decrease in the quality and competitiveness of the company’s products, a decrease in the amount of working capital, and a fall in labor productivity, which makes it impossible to ensure sustainable competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole. In fact, properly constructed resource management scheme ensures consistently high quality of products of the enterprise or services provided, contributes to additional optimization of financial costs, efficient use of existing and potential resources of the organization, guaranteeing high results of economic activity.


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How to Cite
Smolych, D., & Timoshuk, I. (2020). ENTERPRISE RESOURCES POTENTIAL: THE ESSENCE OF THE COMPONENTS AND THE MODEL OF MANAGEMENT IN MODERN ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. Economic Scope, (153), 75-82. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/153-14