Keywords: production, operation, operating management, operational management small business, operating system


Continuous and quality management of modern enterprises is one of the important aspects of competitiveness. The term “operational management” is relatively new, but it is now gaining new dimensions of interpretation and use. In today’s economy, small, medium and large businesses coexist and complement each other organically. However, a small business is a dynamic and most numerous sector of the economy and has its differences due to the different level of social division of labor, the nature of specialization and socialization of production, as well as the choice of technological type of production process, and therefore the peculiarities of operational management. It is noted that there are two types of business activity, and operating activity is the main one for the enterprise. Considering operational management as one of the directions of general management of small business activity, it is necessary to recognize that its theoretical and methodological basis is based on a set of special economic features. Therefore, definitions of “operational management”, “operation” and “production” are provided for the analysis of the operating system. It is noted that operating activities will depend on the industry and the stage of the life cycle of the small business development. Because, on the one hand, improving operational management means strategic prospects for the development of systems and processes, and on the other hand, it means being part of the real work, coordinating all aspects of the project, from development to implementation. The description of three existing operating subsystems of small business activity is presented. It is also noted that having familiarized with the peculiarities of the enterprise functioning, it is possible to define and optimize its operating structure. Because, operational management is central to the enterprise management system, along with marketing, investment, finance and staff. Therefore, the operational management of a small business should be understood as a comprehensive set of management operations that are interconnected, regularly executed and allow the implementation of long-term strategies of the company with maximum profit at the expense of ensuring the competitiveness of products and the enterprise as a whole. It is a purposeful activity to manage operations to acquire the necessary resources, transform them into a finished product (service) with the supply of the last (last) consumer (to the market).


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