Keywords: tourism, tourist industry, tourist flows, economy, problems and prospects of tourism industry development


The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state, problems and further development of the tourism industry of Ukraine. A retrospective analysis of the dynamics of international tourist arrivals and cash inflows by regions of the world is conducted. Problems and prospects of development of tourist industry in Ukraine and the main factors that influenced the formation of problems were investigated. In particular, the dynamics of indicators of foreign and tourist flows for 2010–2018 was analyzed. The data of the State Statistics Service and the World Tourism Organization, the number of tourists (foreign and domestic tourists) and the importance of tourists in the European region are analyzed. It is revealed that the priority directions of development of the tourism industry, which influences the changing the quality of life in Ukraine for the better, the creation of new jobs, the improvement of the image of Ukraine in the international arena. Improving and improving the development of tourism enterprises in the regions in the current trends of the world economy provides motivation for related industries such as trade, food industry, construction, transport, agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises and creates preconditions for sustainable socio-economic development of the country. The direct contribution of tourism to world GDP depends on the spending of residents and non-residents of all countries on tourism entertainment and business trips, as well as the government’s “individual” expenditures to support tourism-related sectors, such as cultural (museums, galleries) or entertainment (national) parks). Indirect contribution to GDP and job creation is estimated by the size of investment inflows into tourism and travel The main problems of low economic efficiency of the tourism industry in Ukraine are caused by seasonal nature of the work of the vast majority of enterprises in the tourism industry, poor competitiveness of certain services due to the limited quality of services, low quality assortment inflexible pricing, depreciation of fixed assets. The efficiency and effective functioning of the tourism industry in Ukraine depends on the quality work of all participants in the tourism industry and enterprises of related industries.


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How to Cite
Kobchenko, A. (2020). CURRENT STATE OF DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE’S TOURIST ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (153), 56-60.