Keywords: strategy, formation of development strategy, hotel business, concept of strategic development management of enterprise, strategic analysis, management decisions, strategic decisions


Adaptation of enterprises activity to the turbulence of economic processes in the internal and external environment requires the system of interrelated views and approaches to the rational and efficient management of enterprise strategic development. On the basis of theoretical and methodological approaches to investigation of strategic management author has suggested the concept approach to stages of development strategy formation for hotel industry enterprise. It takes into account the industry specificity and proposes to optimize the process of selection, coordination and implementation of competitive, financial, human resources, quality control and risk management strategies that will facilitate the increase of efficiency in taking and implementing the strategic decisions in process of solving the objectives of strategic development of hotel industry enterprise. Present approach is based on the analysis of external and internal environment and their relevance to the global objective of enterprise development that will help to achieve a significant economic stability. Failure to solve the actual problems in modeling the control processes of strategic development of hotel industry enterprise led to elaboration of scientific and methodological approach to concept of managing the enterprise strategic development that is being a system of interrelated views and approaches to understanding of its essence, in which author suggests to distinguish two research levels for carrying out analysis and taking management decisions related to organizational development: level of understanding of development and its management in the enterprise, and level of strategic development as a process of ensuring the progressive changes in the long term perspective, which provides horizontal and vertical hierarchy of approaches to defining the targets in development of hotel industry enterprises and arrangement of management activities aimed at achieving them. That is why an efficient and clearly defined strategy makes an enterprise strong and sustainable in financial and competitive relation on the market of hospitality services.


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