Keywords: sustainable development, economic sustainability, marketing sustainability, types of marketing sustainability, factors of influence, indicators of evaluation of marketing sustainability


In order to be successful in the market, businesses need to have sustainable development. It allows to use economically all the resources of the enterprise. It also helps to reduce the negative impact on the environment. When considering sustainable development, the emphasis is on the economic component. Economic sustainability of the enterprise is a complex concept. It is based on marketing sustainability. Different approaches to the concept of "marketing sustainability" have been analyzed. We will consider it as a tool for achieving sustainable market position. A high level of marketing sustainability will help to counter the threats of the environment by fully utilizing the capabilities of the marketing complex (commodity, price, marketing and communication policy) to meet the needs of consumers. The article proposes an algorithm for determining the marketing stability of an enterprise, which consists of seven stages. The first stage outlines the goals that the company wants to achieve. In the second stage, the classification of factors of influence is developed. It allows you to cover all the important elements. Then, the SWOT analysis identifies strengths and opportunities that can be used to overcome threats. In the third stage, criteria are created and indicators are selected for evaluation. In the fourth stage, the calculation of marketing sustainability indicators. They are used to measure both quantitative and qualitative indicators. In the fifth stage, the results are compared and conclusions are drawn. And at the last stage, recommendations and measures are being developed to increase the level of marketing stability sustainability of the enterprise. The stage at which marketing sustainability indicators are selected is important. They are grouped according to what type of marketing sustainability is being considered. Most often use the following types of marketing stability: market, competitive, consumer. For a comprehensive assessment, it is proposed to further consider the types of marketing sustainability based on the components of the marketing complex: product, price, distribution and communication. According to the results of the analysis, recommendations and appropriate measures are developed that will help to increase the level of marketing stability of the enterprise in the market.


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How to Cite
Belova, T., & Filchenkova, Y. (2020). THE MARKETING SUSTAINABILITY OF ENTERPRISES IN MARKET AND ITS EVALUATION. Economic Scope, (153), 36-39.