• О. Melnyk Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: capitalization, incorporated space of capital formation, economic mentality, corporate culture, cognitive


The traditional focus of scientific research on enterprise capitalization is the problem of the interaction of differentiated types of capital in objectified space, which does not allow explaining the resulting aspects of capital formation taking into account post-industrial specificity. Within the meaningful limits of this study, the key factors of modern capitalization processes are presented in the mental-cognitive plane, which explains the causes of resource asymmetries as sources of economic results formation, including in the capital aspect. The logic of this study is constructed in such a way that on the basis of critical analysis and substantive ordering of modern approaches to the systematization of factors of ensuring the achievement of capitalization results, the research focus determines the space of incorporated capital formation, where the implicit knowledge is transformed into the explicit. Using the methods of system analysis and synthesis, the expediency of an attributive approach to the study of the determinants of modern capital formation has been proved. One of the key determinants of modern capital formation processes is the economic mentality that directly characterizes the value nature of capitalization in terms of meaningfulness as an invariant of economic value. The organizational direction of such research is represented by the problems of transformation of tacit knowledge in the explicit and their objectification. In this substantive statement, the study of the relationship between corporate culture and capitalization results in incorporated and objectified spaces is updated. The interest aspect led to the study of the features of capital formation in the cognitive aspect. It is proved that the result of the interaction of capital in the cognitive space is the acquisition by the organization of the properties of cognitive and competence, which are key in terms of ensuring the target activity in the post-industrial conditions of enterprise development. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that in the process of studying modern problems of enterprise capitalization, the research focus is shifted from the objective space of capital formation to the incorporated one, which is causal in terms of ensuring the resulting aspects. Ensuring the successful functioning and development of a business in today's business environment depends on the organizational ability to transform the external environment into flows of value. The practical implementation of this thesis is possible only if the priority of management influence on the mental-cognitive space of capital formation, which lays the foundation for the formation of the desired and expected results of the enterprise.


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