• E. Derevyanko EITI NUHT
Keywords: food safety, reputation, food manufacturers, reputation risks


In the modern world food security as one of the global problems of mankind, has a key importance. Domestic practice of behavior food producers is different from the world because it is based on priorities provide quick financial benefits in the short term (within policy cycle) than in the modern theoretical and methodological base of the food management as a science. If we consider the issue of food security in the aspect of solving problems of ensuring the country's competitiveness, it is necessary to speak not so much about the adequacy and accessibility of food for the population, but about economic access to quality food that is provided as to effective demand, and opportunities to offer appropriate products. The purpose of this article is to bring the scientific argument regarding the relationship between food security and the reputation of food manufacturers. In the course of writing the article General scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge were used, namely: a bibliographical and terminological analysis – for definition of the term "reputation"; scientific generalization – in the systematization of the main expectations of consumers, a discrepancy which creates preconditions for the implementation of reputational risk food producers. The results of research to the reputation of food producers in the aspect of ensuring economic access to food as one of the basic characteristics of food security have been presented in the article. The results show that there is a need to promote standards in the world of open reporting by food producers, corporate social responsibility, voluntary certification, the development of various types of mobile software applications in order to keep in touch with consumers and partners in the food sector.The novelty of the research is that focusing on the reputational aspects of the grocery business is growth in the quality of food demand, and requirements to relevant manufacturers, which has a positive impact on the overall level of food security and competitiveness of the country. A promising direction for further research in this thematic space is the study of the problem of transformation of business models, product companies, taking into account global trends and challenges that directly affect food security.


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How to Cite
Derevyanko, E. (2019). REPUTATION OF FOOD PRODUCERS AS A METHOD OF PROVIDING FOOD SAFETY. Economic Scope, (152), 142-150.