• О. Golovash Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
Keywords: mechanism of provision, health care facilities, development, irtual health center, development tools, JSC


The mechanism of ensuring the development of health facilities of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsya" has been described in the article, the author's definition of the concept of the mechanism of development has been provided. The mechanism for ensuring the development of health care facilities is based on the allocation of target, production, innovation, financial and information subsystems. It is determined that the mechanism of ensuring the development of health care facilities is influenced by information flows from the external environment of the enterprise and internal factors, due to the level of development of the strategic potential of the institution. The target subsystem for the development of health care facilities includes strategic goals, objectives, basic criteria for assessing the capacity of the institution, and principles. The production subsystem is directly responsible for the development of healthcare facilities through the implementation of a development strategy, a set of measures to improve the efficiency of operations. The innovation subsystem is represented by a set of tools that facilitate innovation. The main task of the financial subsystem is to ensure the process of development of financial resources. The main task of the information subsystem is to provide the process of development, development and implementation of innovative medical technologies with the necessary reliable information. Key tools for development are identified by the Medical Technology Center, the Development Investment Fund, and the Virtual Health Center. An important tool for ensuring the proper level of development of health care institutions is the organization of a "virtual health center" - a certain Internet space, which, on the one hand, will provide opportunities for different categories of participants of the medical and diagnostic process of all health care facilities Ukrzaliznytsia, on the other hand, will provide all participants of innovation processes with the necessary information on the introduction of innovative technologies. The basic goals, tasks, peculiarities of functioning of the virtual health center in the aspect of providing the medical-diagnostic process and in the aspect of providing the process of creating a closed cycle of development and introduction of innovative medical technologies are revealed.


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