• А. Orel Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
Keywords: concretion, potential, competitive potential, enterprise, Eulerian circles, competitive advantages


The enterprise success in the market is impossible without a proper level of product competitiveness, the basis of which is formed by competitive potential. In order to ensure a stable position in the market, it is necessary to constantly manage the processes of formation and using competitive potential, which makes the research relevant. The purpose of the work is to clarify the content of the competitive potential and identify its areas. First of all, the content and essence of competition as a phenomenon in economic science and economic practice were analyzed. The key features of competition are: it acts as a form of struggle between entities for scarce resources; it provides continuous development, being the key motive for improvement; the level of competition is a decisive characteristic of the market; the interaction between the entities in the combination of competition and cooperation allows to distinguish a new concept of «co-opetition», which allows to partially offset the impact of negative market externalities. The content of the potential allowed to define its essence as the interaction of resources, opportunities, key competences, reserves that are used or can be used to achieve the chosen goals. While analyzing the content of individual definitions of the concept of «competitive potential», its key definitions were singled out: it acts as a set of used and unused opportunities of the enterprise, a tool of economic entities comparison, combines a complex of resources, allows to compete effectively by meeting the needs of consumers and obtain competitive advantages to achieve goals, which also allows for adaptation to changes in the environment. The methodology of Euler ring construction was used to distinguish the areas of competitive potential that reflect the interaction of the enterprise with the external environment, resulting in: areas of potential competitive potential for existing and future markets, used competitive potential and unused reserves. The efficiency of competitive potential was proposed to be evaluated as the ratio of the area used to the total area.


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