• E. Orlovskiy Pridniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: economic theories, ecologization of economic growth, sustainable development, reproduction process, investment products, ecological (green) construction, circular economy


The approaches of economic theories of the industrial and post - industrial period on the role of the ecological component in the reproduction process as the basis of the ecological quality of economic growth have been analyzed. One of the main of these theories is the theory of sustainable development. It has been proved that awareness of the real danger of an ecological catastrophe, which could become a threat to the existence of modern civilization, led to the initiation of scientific theories, which proceed from the imperative not only of purely economic growth, but also the need to predict the impact of the economy on the environment. The modern theoretical and methodological framework for making policy decisions on ecologically coordinated socio-economic development, consisting of postmodern theory, energy theory of nature management, the theory of coevolution of man and the biosphere, as well as the theory of creative economy and low carbon ("green") economic growth has been systematized. The essence and content of modern environmental construction as a process that harmoniously combines the efficient use of resources, investment, technological development and institutional changes with the needs of present and future generations in a healthy living environment and people's work have been found out in the context of new environmental approach to the reproduction process. It has been proposed the author's improvement of the term "ecological construction" by adding the criterion for extending the life cycle of construction products within the framework of the concept of circular economy. The establishment of environmental construction in practice and the main ecological-economic and social effects of its production and exploitation has been analyzed.


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