• О. Chumak PJSC Higher education institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
  • І. Nagornа Kharkiv Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: enterprise, economic policy, accounting policy, emergence, financial stability


The paper states that economic policy in scientific literature is usually determined from the position of the macro level, although its elements are the subject of numerous studies. The general features are that economic policy is a system of goals of economic development, is an activity in the development and implementation of a system of practical measures to influence the economic status of the entity, its components are resources and any operations with them, etc. The economic policy of the enterprise is recommended to be understood as a set of measures of the subjects of management, aimed at the implementation of economic laws with minimal risks for the effective management of the economic activity of the enterprise, respectively, development strategy. The development of economic policy should provide comparability with the provisions of the company's analytical and accounting policies and other regulations that determine the implementation of economic processes in achieving a sustainable condition of the company. It is revealed that: 1) the synergy of accounting and economic policy allows obtaining the effect of the emergence of financial stability management of the enterprise; 2) selected elements of accounting policy ensure the quality of the financial information array for analytical procedures, recommended separate methodological approaches to the selection of methodological provisions for certain objects of accounting; 3) the architecture of economic policy is the basis for its implementation in securing strategic objectives and recommended the appropriate stages of economic policy formation. According to the results of the study, the possibility of obtaining the effect of the emergence from the interaction of elements of accounting and economic policy, which will ensure the financial stability of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
ChumakО., & NagornаІ. (2018). EMERGENCE OF ECONOMIC AND ACCOUNTING POLICIES IN MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL STABILITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (140), 145-157. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/396