• О. Kahovska Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • S. Maschenko Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • P. Samoilenko Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: direct foreign investments, shipbuildings, shipbuilding industry, transport sector, investors


The paper analyzes the modern state of a transport system of Ukraine. It has defined, that the dynamics of volumes of transportation`s loads a marine transport has a tendency to the decline. Development of Ukraine`s shipbuilding industry has been investigated. It has been proved that the production of courts and contracting are small considerable volumes in 2011 and their reduction has begun since 2012. It is marked that from 2010 and till today the pattern courts production in Ukraine are corps and cabinet-type details. The economic indicators of activity of enterprises of industry of shipbuilding of Ukraine have been analyzed. It is educed, that positive dynamics is the products realized on volume, however its insignificant comparing with other countries. Dynamics of foreign investments in a transport infrastructure of Ukraine have been considered. It is marked that investments in a water-carriage have quite good enough indexes, that is why shipbuilding` industry is perspective for foreign investments. It has been marked that shipbuilding industry can develop only with the foreign investing. The main reasons which restrain development Ukraine`s shipbuilding industry and wave of foreign investments to it are adopted. Some recommendations which bring the foreign investments to shipbuilding have been offered. It has been concluded that recommendations would be allow to promote investors to the Ukraine`s shipbuilding industry and would be promote the competitiveness of Ukrainian`s economy.


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How to Cite
KahovskaО., Maschenko, S., & Samoilenko, P. (2018). PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF ATTRACTING FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN SHIPBUILDING OF UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (139), 54-65. Retrieved from