• V. Shcherbina State University of Telecommunications
Keywords: competitive advantage, classification, factors, strategy, resources, development, competition, telecommunication enterprise


The theoretical foundations of the formation of competitive advantages as a combination of success factors that provide the company with a choice of a model of economic development and the direction of active interaction with the external environment are investigated. The author's definition of the content of the concept of "competitive advantage" of telecommunication enterprises. Іdentified key factors (an advantage in economic resources, an advantage in the quality of services, an advantage in the competencies of employees) that will provide competitive advantages to telecommunications enterprises, taking into account their industry characteristics. The content of the key factors forming the competitive advantages for the telecommunications industry enterprises was clarified by the sources of occurrence (internal and external). The strategic direction of the further development of telecommunication companies in Ukraine is considered and the problems of their low competitiveness are clarified. The approaches to the formation of competitive advantages over competitive strategies that are able to ensure the success of the enterprise in the long term are investigated. The choice of strategies for the formation of competitive advantages of enterprises in the field of telecommunications by a market and resource approach is justified. Within the framework of this approach, in order to increase the competitiveness of a telecommunications company, it is advisable to apply diversification strategies (horizontal, conglomerative, international), which are an effective risk management tool in the face of fierce competition in the telecommunications services market. The main strategies for creating competitive advantages with a resource approach, which are advisable to use in the activities of a telecommunications company, are proposed to include: financial and investment; technological; social; integration; managerial. It is proved that the resource concept of the enterprise should be present in all strategic developments, taking into account the importance of the intangible key competencies of employees in achieving stability and success of the enterprise relative to its competitors.


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