• U. Andrusiv Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • N. Yurchenko Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
Keywords: health systems, foreign experience, financing, insurance, healthcare models


The article is devoted to the study of foreign experience of health systems' financial support in different countries. The results of its comparative analysis are presented. The main features of the fundraising and financing in the health sector are emphasized. As a result of the comparison, it is proved that there is no one-size-fits-all model. Each country has to take into account the needs and opportunities for social development while building a system of economic relations. It is shown that in 2017 expenditures of Ukrainian consolidated budget for health care 3,4% of gross domestic product. Charitable funds and humanitarian aid providers were also engaged in health system financing. However, official funding coexists with shadow or informal out-of-pocket payments for healthcare services. It is established that the amount of healthcare financing in Ukraine is close to the European one, but the constitutional principle of equal access to health care for different segments of the population is violated. As a solution, we offer to use the experience of the developed countries with health systems recognized as successful. After all, the accumulated experience of different countries indicates the dependence between the effectiveness of the health care system and its ability to use resources rationally. An innovative model of health financing, providing the combined financial support, is offered and developed. It is concluded that in today's society there are four models of health financing. These are the consumer preference model (out-of-pocket health financing system), the Bismarck model (socially oriented health financing system), the Beveridge model (governmental health financing system) and the Semashko model (state budget with tight centralization of industry management). Each of the models analyzed has its advantages and disadvantages. Choosing a health financing model is a strategically important task for every country, which have to build a system of economic relations that takes into account objective needs and opportunities, and is aware of the ever-increasing economic and social value of a healthy society.


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How to Cite
Andrusiv, U., & Yurchenko, N. (2019). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF HEALTH SYSTEM FINANCING. Economic Scope, (150), 20-24.