• K. Spіrіdonova Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • V. Cherkas Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: business plan, competition, environment, development, business plan structure


The problem of forecasting the activity of an enterprise due to instability of environmental factors has been considered in the article. The developed business plan helps entrepreneurs to lead the way of their business from a born idea to a full-fledged and competitive business. Planning your business ahead helps a lot in the complex realities of today, as about 98% of business failures are explained by poor management. That is, when the entrepreneur does not know what he needs and in what movement to develop and the decline of each business. It is quite difficult for Ukrainian businesses to work in such conditions, and therefore the role of business planning as an important strategic planning tool is being strengthened, whereby enterprises can define the purpose and mission of their operation, develop a system of measures to improve performance or prevent threats to the environment. Most foreign investors invest in Ukrainian enterprises only through a detailed analysis of their activities, but when an enterprise is trying to attract external financing, a business plan is an ideal indicator of strategic and operational planning. Studies have shown that despite the rapid growth in the number of operating private enterprises from 2013 to 2015, in 2016 and 2017 there is a decrease in the number of enterprises. Entrepreneurs rely too much on their intuition, not the calculations that can help them build a profitable business. This situation proves the need for detailed development of the business plan, as one of the key elements of the strategy of the enterprise. The considered way of creating a business plan, according to the UNIDO standard, is optimal and most common. It includes eight items and appendices. The Resume outlines basic details of the project. Anyone who is familiar with it should understand what the project is and what the benefits can be. "Description of the enterprise and industry" is to analyze the capabilities of the enterprise and its success in this field. Product Description directly describes the product itself6 its main characteristics and advantages over its competitors. The "Marketing Plan" includes: marketing research results, market analysis, pricing and market promotion methods. The next item is the "Organizational Plan", which calculates fixed and variable costs and production capabilities of the enterprise. A "financial plan" consists of costing, cost and income tables, and cash flow. Risks and Guarantees is the final point that describes the potential risks of the project and the payback of the project. The information contained therein will be clear to banks, investors and other financial institutions where the business plan owner may want to take the investment capital on his idea.


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How to Cite
SpіrіdonovaK., & Cherkas, V. (2019). BUSINESS PLAN IN MODERN BUSINESS CONDITIONS. Economic Scope, (149), 76-80.