• A. Nikitina Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets
  • E. Pavlenko Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets
  • A. Zakharova Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets
Keywords: startup, startup development stages, ways of investing, innovations, international markets


The topical issues of development of startups in international markets, economic tools for improving profitability and attracting investments in companies that are engaged in startup projects have been revealed in the article. The concept of "startup", its characteristics and elements of success of startups have been discussed. There are some features of startups that have been ignored by scientists and some examples are given. The need for financial investments has been identified. The search options for potential investors are discussed. The emergence of startups is also briefly analyzed. Startup trends are analyzed. The ways of finding sources of financing for startup projects are considered. The classification of development stages is explained and what is happening at this stage, sources of funding for startups and what should be used to successfully complete this stage. There are also several examples of modern platforms that have been created to finance projects. A method of investing in a project is identified, which minimizes the possible investment risks and balances the project's potential profits. The events that took place at the exhibitions were given an opportunity for the participants to show their ideas. The analysis of the most successful modern domestic start-ups, which have received international recognition, were able to attract foreign investors and obtain financing from foreign investors. The stages of development and sources of financing startups in the world are covered. The analysis of the most successful domestic start-ups which have received international recognition and financing from foreign investors has been analyzed. There are some ways of investing investors in selected startup projects that they consider to be good for reducing the potential investment risk and balancing the project's potential return for all investors. The main problems that worsen the country's investment climate have been identified. Listed are tips for improving the country's investment climate. The need for state support in the promotion and financing of innovative projects has been identified. The need to prove to investors that their investments will not be in vain is revealed. The relevant conclusions are drawn.


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How to Cite
Nikitina, A., Pavlenko, E., & Zakharova, A. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF STARTUPING IN UKRAINE ON THE BASIS OF ATTRACTING FOREIGN INVESTMENTS. Economic Scope, (149), 41-44. Retrieved from