• A. Krutova Kharkiv State University of Nutrition and Trade
  • O. Nesterenko Kharkiv State University of Nutrition and Trade
Keywords: quality of accounting information, accounting principles, integrated reporting, accounting system, financial and non-financial information


The purpose of the article is to identify the place of accounting and financial reporting principles in the accounting system to ensure the quality and comparability of financial and non-financial information that should be disclosed in the integrated reports. In order to prevent the transformation of the integrated reporting process into a purely technical accounting approach, it is justified that its regulation should be based on strictly formalized principles, which must be guided by the composite reporters and employees who collect and transfer information for integrated reports formation. Methodological basis of accounting deepens on improving of the integrated reporting principles formation system, which are classified into three groups according to the direction and purposes of use: structural, organizational and qualitative. Compliance with proposed integrated reporting principles will enable to formalize key indicators system to be provided in the integrated reports; develop specialized technological and methodical approaches to collecting, processing and transferring information on economic, social and environmental activities; ensure taking into account in integrated reports all elements of the accounting process, which combines living labor, means of labor and its specific subjects.


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How to Cite
Krutova, A., & Nesterenko, O. (2018). CONCEPTUAL PRINCIPLES OF REPORTING INFORMATION QUALITY EVALUATION. Economic Scope, (137), 137-148. Retrieved from