• O. Chornen’ka Ukrainian Academy of Printing
Keywords: accounts receivable, accounts payable, financial position, business entity, liquidity, financial stability, solvency, profitability


The article investigates the effect of debts on the financial condition of the business entity. During the study of this effect of debt, its receivable and payable projections are characterized. The influence of receivables on the liquidity of the enterprise is considered (the level of liquidity of the main types of receivables and their influence on the liquidity of the enterprise as a whole are determined). The effect of receivables on the profitability and financial stability of the business entity has been investigated. The influence of payable accounts on the financial independence of the business entity and its solvency has been substantiated. The indirect effect of payable accounts on the profitability of the business entity's operation has been proved. The influence of receivables and payables on business activity has been considered. The presence of prolonged, doubtful or hopeless debts negatively reflects on the financial and property status of the company in general and business activity in particular, since it impedes the turnover of its resources. Positive and negative aspects of the impact of receivables and payables on the activity of the enterprise and its financial and property status have been considered, and a set of tasks has been proposed, the management of which will contribute to the achievement of the optimal balance of receivables and payables and the maximum level of their turnover in order to ensure profitable activities.


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How to Cite
Chornen’ka, O. (2018). DEBT INFLUENCE ON THE FINANSIAL STATE OF THE BUSINESS ENTITY. Economic Scope, (136), 158-169. Retrieved from