• S. Chekhov Institute of Oilseeds of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • І. Chekhova Institute of Oilseeds of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: sunflower production, market of oilseeds, export volume of sunflower seeds, cost structure, production cost, profitability, production efficiency, sales price


The article tests the current state of sunflower production in Ukraine. The dynamics of sunflower production is positive. It is determined that positive dynamics is ensured due to the following factors: growing area of sowing and increasing yield. The analysis of the structure of sown areas under sunflower in the regions of Ukraine is carried out, changes in the structure of crops are presented, and the region-leaders have been identified. The analysis of balance of demand and supply of sunflower in the agrarian market is carried out. It was determined that the demand and supply of sunflower seeds, import, reduction of initial stocks. The basic direction of consumption of sunflower seeds is allocated - processing to the oil with the subsequent export of oil. It is determined that the reserve for increasing sunflower residue is a "loss" article. The level of profitability of sunflower has grown. It was calculated that the growth of the profitability of sunflower growing was 25.5%, the cost of sunflower seed production increased by 25-30%, the average price for sunflower seeds increased by 2.2 times. It is substantiated that the lower cost and the highest price make sunflower culture popular among the subjects of the agrarian sector. The structure of the cost of sunflower is detailed. The main articles of expenses for the production of this crop are given. The attention is paid to the fact that there is a process of intensifying the production of sunflower. This process is carried out through the use of modern mechanized equipment, raising the level of agriculture, rational and economical use of material resources. It was noted that there was a rise in the minimum and maximum prices for sunflower in the domestic market. It was established that during the period of research the price positions of oilseeds changed. Sunflower in the price level took the first position.


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How to Cite
Chekhov, S., & ChekhovaІ. (2018). THE ESTIMATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF SUNFLOWER PRODUCTION IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (136), 135-146. Retrieved from