• N. Skripnik Dnipro National University named after O. Gonchar
  • O. Kulychenko Dnipro National University named after O. Gonchar
Keywords: innovative potential, international scientific and technical cooperation, competitiveness, high-tech production, innovative activity, innovative model of development, technology development, intellectual activity, innovation infrastructure, scientific and technological progress


The article is devoted to the research of modern innovation processes in Ukraine. The article describes the preconditions of the development of innovation potential, the estimation of the current state of investment activity in the country. The analysis of tendencies and the state of development of Ukrainian innovations is carried out. Problems that hinder the development of innovation potential in Ukraine are considered. In the course of the elimination of the constant extermination, the methods of exoemotional synthesis and synthesis, as well as the analogy of the analogues, were used. At this stage of development of Ukraine, the innovative potential is becoming more and more important both for the country itself and for its place in the world of developed techno-logical. It has been established that in the modern world, the efficiency of the innovative sphere of the country is an essential element for ensuring the competitiveness of its economy. It is determined if Ukraine can correctly use the innovational mechanisms of development, it will be able to move forward and reach the level of developed countries. In order to revive innovation processes in Ukraine, a planned and deliberate innovation policy of the country is needed, the implementation of which would form the appropriate legal and socio-economical preconditions for the effective work of the research and development activities. It has been concluded that at the present stage of development in Ukraine there is a tendency of slowdown of innovative processes. In the recent times the negative dynamics of the configuration changes in production and the reduction of the share of non-innovative production in the overall size of the country's business is very much affected by the delay in the innovation activity.


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How to Cite
Skripnik, N., & Kulychenko, O. (2018). FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (136), 125-134. Retrieved from