• A. Stavytska Oles’ Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: potential, trends, National Program, information technologies, national IT market, IT services, IT products, Internet users, development


As a result of the deployment of globalization processes and the dissemination of informatization of society, the new information technologies arise. Accordingly, this creates new opportunities for the development of the domestic information technology market and the use of information technology and IT products by Ukrainian enterprises in the context of integration into the global information society, which determines the need to analyze the current potential of the Ukrainian IT market. The article reveals positive and negative factors of the development of the information technology market in Ukraine. The trends of change of the Network Readiness Index of Ukraine have been determined; the author presents the largest players of the national IT market of Ukraine, namely, transnational IT companies that form the potential of the Ukrainian information sector. The prospects of expanding the information technology potential of Ukraine in order to intensify participation in the world IT market have been explained, from which the conclusion is made of the need to strengthen the role of the state as a coordinating mechanism. The practical significance of the work forms the need for continuous monitoring of trends of Ukrainian IT market in order to find effective tools for protecting its participants from cybercrime.


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How to Cite
Stavytska, A. (2018). POTENTIAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES OF UKRAINE IN THE WORLD IT MARKET. Economic Scope, (136), 82-92. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/285