• S. Mashenko Prydniprovs’ka state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • Р. А. Алієв Prydniprovs’ka state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: multinational corporation, globalization, direct foreign investments, world economy, economy of Ukraine


The paper analyzes the concept of «multinational corporation» and its determination. It has been concluded that the most successful and appropriate determination is given conference on trade and development. A primary objective, signs and main reasons of active development of multinational corporations is adopted. It has been proven that multinational corporations have all-embracing influence to the national economies due to data over of Fоrtunе magazine. The spheres of activity of multinational corporations in the world have been analyzed. The list of the most world multinational corporations and sphere of their specialization has been given. It is marked that еру activity of multinational corporations focus to the spheres of production and services. It is educed that for Ukraine the most attractive industries for multinational corporations are professional and scientific and technical activity, financial, insurance and trade spheres and processing industry. The geographical specific of activity of multinational corporations on the territory of Ukraine has been analyzed and it has been educed that the most investment inflow of direct foreign investments to Ukraine`s economy goes from Europe. It has been determined that the multinational corporations’ activity has the positive and negative moments at the territories of Ukraine. It has been concluded that Ukrainian government have to concentrate at the politics which would be sent to the use of all positive possibilities from multinational corporations’ activities and also neutralization of negative consequences of their activity.


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How to Cite
Mashenko, S., & Алієв, Р. А. (2018). PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF TNC IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (136), 45-52. Retrieved from