• O. Kvaktun Prydniprovs’ka state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • O. Vereteleckaya Prydniprovs’ka state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • I. Malyshev Prydniprovs’ka state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: international business, strategy, budgeting, long-term planning, strategic planning, strategic management


The peculiarities of the strategies’ application in the international activity of the companies of the developed countries have been analyzed. Groups of factors that determine the attractiveness of the company for international business have been outlined. A distinction between primary and secondary motives that are of interest to international activity has been made. The typical difficulties in formulating and implementing of international strategies have been singled out. It has been noted that in modern interpretation, the strategy is understood not only as one of the goals, but also as the most important and determinant goal; long-term development; purpose, ways of moving towards the goal and means of achieving it. It has been determined that the prerequisite for understanding the role and tasks of strategic management was, on the one hand, the rapid industrial and economic development of the leading countries of Europe and the USA, and on the other – wide penetration of innovative technologies into the human activity, including management technologies. The authors note that for the description of the process of development and implementation of the strategy for many years, various concepts have been used, such as budgeting, long-term planning, strategic planning and strategic management. The stages of development of strategic management in the developed countries have been analyzed: mass production; mass marketing and post-industrial stage.


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How to Cite
Kvaktun, O., Vereteleckaya, O., & Malyshev, I. (2018). FEATURES OF STRATEGIES’ APPLICATION IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Economic Scope, (136), 17-25. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/279