• S. Chekhov Experimental Station of rare and aromatic crops of NAAS
Keywords: infrastructure, marketing strategy, oilseeds, seeds, market players, competition, marketing tools


The article deals with the current state of the infrastructure and marketing of seed companies that are represented on the Ukrainian seed market. It is noted that the infrastructure of the oilseeds market has the following components: regulatory, functional and informational. The focus is on the importance of developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote innovation in the market for oilseed crops. It is determined that the modern concept of marketing consists in studying and analyzing the market activity taking into account its possible changes in the future. The schemes of sale of seeds by foreign and domestic seed companies are presented; the differences between them are presented. It has been determined that seed sales by worldwide national companies take place in two directions: trade in seeds produced in other countries and trade in seeds produced in Ukraine. Sale of seeds by domestic breeding establishments is mainly on the domestic seed market, the direction of export of domestic seeds is not developed. The main components of sales and production activities of world seed companies are described. It is established that in the process of sales of products a special place is given to the technical activity of the sales and seed production department. Unlike the strategy of promoting products in TNCs, domestic breeding establishments do not fully use the marketing component; technological support is also not included.


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How to Cite
Chekhov, S. (2018). INFRASTRUCTURE AND MARKETING OF OIL SEEDS MARKET. Economic Scope, (135), 139-149. Retrieved from