• K. Romashchenko Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky
Keywords: the market of educational services, higher education, price formation on the market of educational services, quality of education, methods of price formation, higher education institutions


In the article the basic pricing methods of educational services and an effective pricing scheme on the market of educational services are analyzed. The question of pricing in the conditions of development of the educational services market is very relevant. Specific features of educational services as a commodity stipulate chaos while price determining. In this context, the analysis of pricing methods in the educational services market is an important task. Generally, universities use expendable methods, aggregates and methods focused on the consumer, competitors and product utility. Having considered the advantages and disadvantages of the above-mentioned pricing methods, we emphasize that the autonomous using of any one method is ineffective. We suggest the pricing pattern that should looks like: the basic price for educational services is determined using the demand analysis; this price is compared with competitors' prices for similar educational services and adjusted as necessary. The price is determined by the cost method using the adopted profitability standard. The cost price serves as a constraint, it is means the lowest threshold of the price of educational services. The usage of the suggested pricing pattern enables to avoid disadvantages methods mentioned above possess.


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How to Cite
Romashchenko, K. (2018). BASIC PRICING METHODS ON THE MARKET OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. Economic Scope, (133), 214-220. Retrieved from