• A. Protsykevych Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: IT-services, market, investment process, state, politics, management, regulation


The investigation of deficiencies of state regulation of the investment process development at the market of IT services of Ukraine has been made in the article. The positions of theories of economic growth, modern concepts of the institutional economy, transitional economic systems have been used as a methodological basis for the study. The monographic method of scientific knowledge has allowed to make wide and deep approach to the definition of preconditions that form the low level of implementation of state functions of investment management in the market of IT services. As a result of the research, such preconditions include: the formation of an investment strategy, the creation of organizational structures for the management of aspects of investment activity, the development of research and information support analysis and management of the investment process, investment planning, stimulating investment activation, control the development of the investment process. The author's conclusions can form the basis for scientific assumptions regarding the improvement of the system of state regulation of investment activity in the market of IT services of Ukraine. The formation of a list of key institutional and legal acts adopted and called upon to form a system of domestic legislation, regulatory processes for the development of the IT sector in general and the IT market in particular are the practical meaning of the research. The author's assumptions regarding the priority directions of state control over the development of the investment process in the market of IT services of Ukraine might form the scientific novelty of the study.


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How to Cite
Protsykevych, A. (2018). DISADVANTAGES OF GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF INVESTMENT PROCESS DEVELOPMENT AT THE IT-SERVICES MARKET IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (133), 91-101. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/228