• Z. Valiullina National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Keywords: globalization, corporation, institutional transformation, informatization, information environment


The article analyzes the periodization of ontological approaches of corporations’ activities in the external institutional environment. It is determined that today there is no single approach to the definition of the term “corporation”, so each country interprets its definition and defines it as the “corporation”. The purpose of the work is periodization of ontological approaches of corporations’ activities and clarification the definition of the concept “corporation” in the external institutional environment. On the basis of the conducted research, it is determined that intensive development of the institutional dynamics of corporations’ activity was caused by the development of scientific and technological development. The paper indicates that a comprehensive understanding of the recognition of the corporation as a separate institutional unit embracing economic and social relations at the international level is required. In this case, the institution should cover the aspects of private law, foreign investment, fair competition and taxation. Author’s specification of the definition of the term “corporation” is suggested, which, in contrast to existing approaches, focuses on the multinational platform of activity of the newest corporations, which will enable to form a more effective institutional system of regulation.


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How to Cite
Valiullina, Z. (2018). ONTOLOGICAL APPROACHES OF CORPORATIONS’ ACTIVITIES IN THE EXTERNAL INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT. Economic Scope, (133), 5-13. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/220