• G. Matukova Kryvy Rig institute of economics, Kyiv national economic university named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: quality of knowledge, educational system, resource of national interests, development tendencies, standards of education.standards of education.standards of education


The article states that education is the main resource of ensuring national interests, strengthening the authority and competitiveness of the Ukrainian state in the international arena, ensuring high-quality education, the problems of the present, which have not only pedagogical but also social, political, managerial scientific contexts. It was emphasized that the integral assessment of the quality of education has a value characteristic, which opens up opportunities for studying the state and identifying trends in the development of different education systems. It is determined that quality determines the suitability to meet certain needs or to realize certain goals, norms, that is, expresses the adequacy of the requirements. The quality of education is defined in a broad sense and in the narrow sense, as well as in the direction of studying the training of future specialists, the axiological approach aimed at identifying value benchmarks is indicated, where the value orientations should reflect the semantic core of education and the quality of education as the final product.


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How to Cite
Matukova, G. (2018). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF QUALITY OF EDUCATION: CONCEPT, CRITERIA, INDICATORS. Economic Scope, (131), 218-226. Retrieved from