• O. Kukhar National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Keywords: economic space, spatial development of economy, institutional unit, volume of economic space, density of economic space, hierarchy of economic space


Despite numerous of ground studies and even the formation of a separate scientific field, called «spatial economics», the economic science has not yet created a holistic theory of spatial development and a methodology for analyzing the economic space, which makes it impossible to solve a whole range of scientific and practical problems. Economic space as an object of research is not clearly defined. Thus, the author suggests his own theoretical approach to determine the content of the economic space as an institutional environment, formed by the system of economic relations between spatial units with the help of material and non-material objects. At the same time, the «institutional unit» (the underlying category of the System of National Accounts) serves as the unit of economic space. This approach allows us to explore the main properties of the economic space: the volume (determined by institutional units and processes reflecting the interaction between them), density (determined by the uneven distribution of economic resources and the heterogeneity of external environments) and hierarchy (reflecting the diverse scale of spatial economic entities). This approach provides a methodological basis for comparative analysis of economic space at different levels of its hierarchy, and also helps to better understand the regularities of spatial development of the economy.


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How to Cite
Kukhar, O. (2018). THEORY OF ECONOMIC SPACE: INSTITUTIONAL APPROACH. Economic Scope, (131), 5-14. Retrieved from