• G. Pilipenko National Mining University
  • N. Naumenko Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University
  • N. Fedorova Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University
Keywords: science, progressive socio-economic development, subsystems of the social system, integral index of development, integral index of science


The article analyzes the quantitative parameters of the influence of science on the process of socio-economic development, for which the authors have constructed a special indicator of the Integral Development Index, which includes five subindices on the number of subsystems of the social system - economic, environmental, politicolegal, social and sociocultural, as well as the Integral Science Index. By means of a sampling correlation coefficient characterizing the degree of linear correlation dependence, a quantitative estimate was made of the relationship between the two indices in different groups of countries: highly developed, middle-income countries, underdeveloped and post-Soviet countries. It has been established that the densest link between the Integral Index of Development and the Integral Index of Science exists in the post-Soviet countries, which is explained by the transformational processes on the way to the formation of post-industrial economy in these countries. All this makes expedient in these countries the maximum activation of the scientific and innovation sphere in order to accelerate the pace of social development.


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How to Cite
Pilipenko, G., Naumenko, N., & Fedorova, N. (2018). QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENT OF SCIENCE IMPACT ON SOCIOECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (130), 76-88. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/188