• Y. Vasylkova Kherson State University
  • N. Oliinyk Kherson National Technical University
Keywords: enterprise competitiveness, agricultural industry, average monthly salary, loss, financial expenses


The purpose of the work is to carry out research and improve the theoretical approach to the definition of the essence of the company's competitiveness, taking into account the specific features of the activities of agricultural enterprises. The article analyzes and specifies the specific features of the economic activity of agricultural enterprises. It has been revealed that despite the severe loss of production potential in comparison with 2000, the domestic agricultural sector is one of the most influential and most important components of the national economy. The article establishes that in the strategic perspective, the agricultural industry can remain without qualified specialists, which, despite the real natural potential, can lead to a decrease in the fertility of the farming land, a reduction in crop production and livestock production. The work reveals that using the general methodological approaches to assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise, the most potent agricultural companies in the Kherson region can get one of the lowest and worst results. The article proves that in the absence of opportunities to obtain reliable information on the results of economic activity of competitors, it is challenging to carry out a comparative assessment of the level of competitiveness. It has been revealed that even with the use of a small number of indicators and objects of evaluation, the study is more subjective and conducted on the basis of a survey of a particular circle of experts using ranks, without taking into account the possible multicollinearity between the indicators, the frequency of fluctuations of quantitative signs from the minimum and maximum value, etc. The research substantiates that under the competitiveness of an economic entity it should be understood that it is capable of timely and prompt performance of production tasks without degradation of the qualitative component of the technological process, the ability to react flexibly to changes in state and regional development strategies of the respective administrativeterritorial units. It is determined that one of the ways to achieve the established tasks is the permanent introduction of measures to optimize the use of production costs, including labor costs.


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How to Cite
Vasylkova, Y., & Oliinyk, N. (2018). THEORETICAL BASIS OF COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (129), 153-163. Retrieved from