• О. Konyk Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus
Keywords: WTO, world trade, world exports, world imports, macroeconomic risks, analysis, management methods


Defenders of WTO membership argue that without participation in this organization, Ukraine will not be able to continue economic reforms, participate in international trade on equal and benefit from it. Their opponents believe that joining the WTO will cause severe damage to entire industries, deprive the government of the ability to make the necessary economic decisions, and the most radical-minded continue to believe that WTO membership "will destroy millions of citizens." Such different points of view are not so much related to the lack of information about this organization and the accession process - it is the result of being often offered in specific terms or forms which are sometimes difficult to understand for non-specialists. The problems of what the WTO itself is, which benefits it gives for its members, and which responsibilities they should fulfill, how participation in the WTO influences the development of international trade, on what terms they accede to the WTO have been highlighted in the article. The issue of whether the real development of international trade is increasingly reflecting that globalization and internationalization of world economic processes have the gradual blurring of the border between near border and internal regulation of international economic exchange as a consequence has been revealed in this paper. At the same time, the rules and regulations governing the international exchange of goods and services are developing. On this basis, a modern international trading system is being formed, with the WTO gradually becoming a settlement. The problem of the elimination of external obstacles to Ukrainian exports is important for realizing the huge potential of Ukraine in high-tech and other industries with a high degree of product processing has been underlined in this article. This is a necessary condition for overcoming the "raw" orientation of Ukrainian exports. The ways of solving this problem have been presented. It has been revealed that the main focus of the WTO is liberalization of international trade. It is concluded that agreements are aimed at reducing customs tariffs and the gradual removal of non-tariff barriers.


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How to Cite
KonykО. (2019). WTO TODAY: PERSPECTIVES, PROBLEMS, EXPERIENCE OF GENERATIONS. Economic Scope, (148), 49-58. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/150