• Yu. Chyrychenko University of Customs and Finance
  • М. Korneyev University of Customs and Finance
  • О. Sabirov University of Customs and Finance
Keywords: hotel and restaurant business, innovation platform, accommodation and food services industry


The latest trends of establishment and development of hotel and restaurant business in the world are considered and summarized. Also, a structural and functional analysis of the correspondence of the definition "hotel and restaurant business" with modern realities has been carried out. In the process of the analysis has been established that the traditional concepts of "hotel business" and "restaurant business" as discrete cases of the functioning of the services sector will undergo significant changes. It will happen in conditions of fast scientific and technological progress. At the same time, only the concept of "restaurant" remains relatively unchanged. The definitions of "hotel", "restaurant business" and "hotel business" are increasingly gaining new meaning and value. There is an increasing differentiation of these services. They go to meet a client and becoming more and more personalized. The main goal of the modern hotel and restaurant business is the creation of unforgettable impressions for customers. Considering varieties all forms of the modern hotel and restaurant business, the traditional understanding of this business is becoming increasingly unacceptable. So, we propose to replace using in the Ukrainian scientific environment the definition "hotel and restaurant business" with the broader concept of "Accommodation and Food Services industry". This is also appropriate because this concept corresponds to the North American sectoral system of classifications and the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community. Consequently, we believe that in the near future the concept of "Accommodation and Food Services industry", as being consistent with many forms of industry services and having a common English equivalent, should be used in Ukraine in the field of preparation of specialists for the industry.


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How to Cite
Chyrychenko, Y., KorneyevМ., & SabirovО. (2019). SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF GLOBAL GENESIS OF THE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Economic Scope, (141), 127-136. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/15