Keywords: European integration, employment sphere, labor legislation, competitiveness, Ukraine’ socio-economic policy


The article identifies problems and prospects for modernization of labor legislation and employment sphere in the process of Ukraine’s European integration, which is on topic in the context of optimizing factors of the national economy’ competitiveness in a globalized world. A significant range of obligations regarding the convergence of labor legislation and regulatory principles of Ukraine’s employment sphere with the EU acquis communautaire requires a broad inter-sectoral and inter-departmental approach to the development and implementation of relevant measures. Activities towards adaptation of Ukraine’s labor legislation to the provisions of the EU law take place in three main areas: normalization of the labor legislation’ basic principles; prevention of discrimination and ensuring gender equality of employees; guaranteeing their labor safety. The difficulties of fulfilling the EU acquis communautaire’ requirements in the employment sphere and in the field of ensuring the working population’ social and labor rights are largely connected with contradictory interpretations of Ukraine’s obligations under the Association Agreement by the EU itself and by representatives of national legislative and executive authorities, oriented on a neoliberal economy’ development with the rejection of a large part of usual social guarantees, a significant strengthening of the employers’ rights. The identified problems of Ukraine’s labor legislation reforming within the framework of obligations of the EU Association Agreement testify to the need for more careful consideration of achievements of the established national practice of the employment sphere’ regulating at the same time with activation of the acquis communautaire’ implementation in the sphere of observing the social and labor rights of certain categories of employed and labor collectives, guaranteeing labor safety in the conditions of modernization and diversification of the economy’ technological base, as well as to the need for implementing the best world standards and benchmarks of the working life quality’ improving.


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